Little Boney 10 weeks old |
We had to let go of our little furry bundle of love, Boney last night and I can't handle anything. The loss is overwhelming. The grief is there, then gone, then back again. No way to control it. No way to make sense of it. No clarity. Just empty space. A hole. My eyes hurt. My heart is so broken I don't know how to fix it yet. I "know" time will help. But right now nothing does. I try to tell myself that people in Ukraine have it sooooo much worse than I do. But I relate to their grief and loss even more than I did before. My pain is real. Not to be diminished by others also in pain. This is what I tell myself. Nothing helps. I took off work this morning but will go back this afternoon. I will be brave. I will do what I must. I will not be able to not think of Boney, so I will let the tears come as they will and do the best that I can.
Bonaparte (Boney) May 15, 2012 - April 6, 2022 |
Death brings a heartache only the loved can understand. Love creates memories that death cannot take away. Boney lives on in the love, life and laughter he brought to you. May those memories help heal your heart ♥️